Weekend Projects
June 9th, 2009 | by
Jen | published in
All, Around the World, DIY Food Projects, Farming, Gardening, & Food Preservation, Most Popular, Weekend Projects
When I try to explain what tempeh is to a person who isn’t familiar with it, it never ends up sounding very appetizing… well, it’s cooked, hulled soybeans that have been mixed with a special mold spore and incubated for about 24 hours until a thick layer of white mold grows throughout the beans…
April 30th, 2009 | by
Jen | published in
All, Around the World, Meats and Sausages, Weekend Projects
Back in the US, nettles are my favorite wild food. Here in Germany, it’s bärlauch, also known as wild garlic or bear garlic. On Sunday Steven and I rented a car and went for a hike near the small town of Coppenbrügge…
March 31st, 2009 | by
Jen | published in
All, DIY Food Projects, Most Popular, Succulent Spices, Weekend Projects
Hands down, my favorite breakfast is two soft boiled eggs, a touch of butter, a piece or two of good ham or salami, a nice warm crusty roll or some dense wheat bread, and a cup of strong coffee with real cream…
December 2nd, 2008 | by
Jen | published in
All, Around the World, Dill, DIY Food Projects, Farming, Gardening, & Food Preservation, Honorable Herbs, Most Popular, Sausages, Meats, Weekend Projects
I can’t believe how easy it is to make gravlax. Or let me rephrase that statement — I can’t believe it’s so easy to make gravlax, and it’s taken me until now to try it!
November 28th, 2008 | by
Jen | published in
All, DIY Food Projects, Farming, Gardening, & Food Preservation, Honorable Herbs, Meats and Sausages, Parsley, Sausages, Meats, Veritable Vegetables, Weekend Projects
Somehow I ended up with a large turkey carcass in my refrigerator at the close of yesterday evening. Funny, since Thanksgiving was not at my house, and I was not in charge of cooking the turkey…
October 5th, 2008 | by
Jen | published in
All, Around the World, Delectable Dairy, Most Popular, Onion, Sausages, Meats, Veritable Vegetables, Weekend Projects
Wilkommen nach Deutschland! Ok, full-disclosure time: I haven’t yet made this myself, but I watched very carefully as it was made in front of me at the home of one of my co-workers here in Germany…
September 16th, 2008 | by
Jen | published in
All, DIY Food Projects, Fantastic Fruits, Garlic, Honorable Herbs, Meats and Sausages, Most Popular, Orange, Sausages, Meats, Succulent Spices, Thyme, Weekend Projects
A while back, I got the idea in my head that I wanted to make my own sausage. Why? first and foremost, I love good sausage; secondly, I’m *very* picky about my sausage — it needs to be high quality…
September 4th, 2008 | by
Jen | published in
All, Delectable Dairy, Grand Grains, Honorable Herbs, Weekend Projects
I can’t quite remember when buttermilk became a regular fixture in my refrigerator. But somehow it did, and now I use it all the time — salad dressings, as a marinade for chicken, in biscuits…
August 29th, 2008 | by
Jen | published in
All, DIY Food Projects, Fantastic Fruits, Lemon, Most Popular, Weekend Projects
I was walking back from lunch the other day with my coworker Fritz, and he (very) jokingly proclaimed, ‘If it’s not instant, it’s not gratification!”. Well, as true as that rings much of the time, this recipe…
August 24th, 2008 | by
Jen | published in
All, Fantastic Fruits, Sweets and Desserts, Weekend Projects
One of the things I remember most vividly from the summer I spent living in a tent in rural Alaska was how one could drive along a road for miles and not see a single other car. Not all roads were like this…