Bärlauch Roasted Chicken

April 30th, 2009  |  by  |  published in All, Around the World, Meats and Sausages, Weekend Projects

Bärlauch Roasted Chicken

Back in the US, nettles are my favorite wild food. Here in Germany, it’s bärlauch, also known as wild garlic or bear garlic. On Sunday Steven and I rented a car and went for a hike near the small town of Coppenbrügge…

Green Garlic Soup

April 20th, 2009  |  by  |  published in All, Around the World, Garlic, Most Popular, Veritable Vegetables, Weeknight Recipes

Green Garlic Soup

Besides the expected potatoes and cabbage, green garlic is one item that I have been coming across with great frequency here in Germany. I rarely remember seeing it back in California…

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