Bärlauch Roasted Chicken

April 30th, 2009  |  by  |  published in All, Around the World, Meats and Sausages, Weekend Projects

Bärlauch Roasted Chicken

Back in the US, nettles are my favorite wild food. Here in Germany, it’s bärlauch, also known as wild garlic or bear garlic. On Sunday Steven and I rented a car and went for a hike near the small town of Coppenbrügge…

Glass Encrusted Pork Chops

May 13th, 2008  |  by  |  published in All, Garlic, Meats and Sausages, Most Popular, Succulent Spices

Glass Encrusted Pork Chops

POP-CHINK! That’s the sound the pyrex pie dish made when it exploded all over my dinner. Though I lost my dinner, I did learn a valuable lesson about pyrex baking dishes — they are sensitive to heat differentials!

Slivered Dandelion Greens with Chorizo

April 14th, 2008  |  by  |  published in All, Dandelion Greens, Garlic, Onion, Succulent Spices, Veritable Vegetables, Weeknight Recipes

Slivered Dandelion Greens with Chorizo

Whether foraged from the backyard or purchased at the farmer’s market, dandelion greens occupy a special place in my heart during the spring. Their bitter bite enlivens my palate and makes sweetness even sweeter…

Wilted Dandelion Greens with Garlic and Pecans

February 11th, 2008  |  by  |  published in All, Dandelion Greens, Garlic, Nuanced Nuts, Pecans, Shallots, Succulent Spices, Veritable Vegetables, Weeknight Recipes

Wilted Dandelion Greens with Garlic and Pecans

A new twist on an old saying — one woman’s weed is another woman’s dinner. It’s true, I really enjoy eating a few plants that are typically thought of as weeds — dandelion greens, sorrel, purslane…

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