Chard stems!? In a recipe?! Grimace. What?! Huh?! Chard stems were something that always went straight from the cutting board to the garbage can until I came across this preparation method in Alice Water’s…
Food Politics and Issues
Chard Stem Gratin
February 19th, 2008 | by Jen | published in All, Chard, Cheese, Delectable Dairy, Food Politics and Issues, Garlic, Honorable Herbs, Most Popular, Parsley, Succulent Spices, Tomatoes, Veritable Vegetables, Weeknight Recipes
Locavorism and Family Gathering
January 2nd, 2008 | by Jen | published in All, Food Politics and Issues, Most Popular
I come from a family of cooks and eaters. My family gatherings center around the preparation of big, special meals. Every dinner is a production, from planning the menu to gathering the ingredients, to cooking the…