These preserves are the result of a co-worker’s citrus bounty from his backyard tree. He brought in a bag of delicious, juicy oranges a few days ago, and I was the happy recipient…
March 23rd, 2010 | by Jen | published in All, Fantastic Fruits, Lemon, Orange, Preserves and Pickles, Weekend Projects
These preserves are the result of a co-worker’s citrus bounty from his backyard tree. He brought in a bag of delicious, juicy oranges a few days ago, and I was the happy recipient…
February 22nd, 2010 | by Jen | published in All, Fantastic Fruits, Garlic, Honorable Herbs, Orange, Succulent Spices, Thyme, Weekend Projects
Here it is, the end of Dungeness crab season and I am *finally* getting around to posting this delicious roasted crab recipe… don’t walk… RUN to get the last…
January 7th, 2010 | by Jen | published in All, Fantastic Fruits, Farming, Gardening, & Food Preservation, Ginger, Lemon, Most Popular, Orange, Preserves and Pickles, Succulent Spices, Weekend Projects
Yesterday I inaugurated my new canning equipment — a huge 12 quart stockpot, a canning funnel, a magnetic lid lifter, and a bright red rubber coated jar lifter. Joy! Granted…
September 16th, 2008 | by Jen | published in All, DIY Food Projects, Fantastic Fruits, Garlic, Honorable Herbs, Meats and Sausages, Most Popular, Orange, Sausages, Meats, Succulent Spices, Thyme, Weekend Projects
A while back, I got the idea in my head that I wanted to make my own sausage. Why? first and foremost, I love good sausage; secondly, I’m *very* picky about my sausage — it needs to be high quality…
May 19th, 2008 | by Jen | published in All, Fantastic Fruits, Farming, Gardening, & Food Preservation, Most Popular, Onion, Orange, Preserves and Pickles, Veritable Vegetables
It has been HOT around here lately. The thermometer climbed to well over 90 degrees four of the last five days, and reached over 100 last thursday. It was hard to choose which was worse–being outside under the hot sun…
May 8th, 2008 | by Jen | published in All, Beets, Cheese, Delectable Dairy, Fantastic Fruits, Orange, Veritable Vegetables, Weeknight Recipes
Ah, beets. My trusty standby — ready to be prepared and enjoyed in the same old ordinary way (roasted, plain), yet always willing to be a player in my latest experimental recipe. It’s hard not to appreciate…
April 8th, 2008 | by Jen | published in All, Fantastic Fruits, Farming, Gardening, & Food Preservation, Lemon, Orange, Preserves and Pickles, Weekend Projects
Citrus season is nearly always bountiful around northern California. On the days that I ride my bike to work I count no fewer than 30 orange and lemon trees drooping under the weight of their own fruit. Once I was tempted…
March 6th, 2008 | by Jen | published in All, DIY Food Projects, Fantastic Fruits, Lemon, Most Popular, Orange, Preserves and Pickles, Weekend Projects
Yaarrrr! It be citrus bounty week here in Los Altos Hills, CA… I gathered m’self about 10 schhwarly pounds of home-grown blood oranges and meyer lemons (from a co-worker and a neighbor, respectively). Ahh…
I daydream a lot about cooking during the week, especially when I’m on the train. Its rhythmic...
Yesterday I inaugurated my new canning equipment -- a huge 12 quart stockpot, a canning funnel, a ma...
I read cookbooks to relax. There is no better way for me to unwind than to read a recipe, imagine t...
I have been craving some serious American food as of late. A week ago I had the overwhelming urge ...
A few weeks ago on the same France trip that introduced me to Feves au Lard Fume, Steven and I met u...
When I try to explain what tempeh is to a person who isn't familiar with it, it never ends up soundi...
I had a quiche epiphany the first time I tasted the quiche from Tartine Bakery in San Francisco. Th...
Besides the expected potatoes and cabbage, green garlic is one item that I have been coming across w...
Hands down, my favorite breakfast is two soft boiled eggs, a touch of butter, a piece or two of good...
The range of culinary emotions I've experienced living here in Germany for the past three months spa...
Long time no see! The recent Modern Beet silence has been due to the fact that I made an internatio...
I can't believe how easy it is to make gravlax. Or let me rephrase that statement -- I can't belie...
I was looking out my apartment window the other day when my gaze came to rest on a tree about fiftee...
Oh. My. God. This is the best pie crust I have ever tasted! So flaky. So moist. And oh the hin...
These past few weeks have been particularly busy and challenging for me. I changed jobs, spent two ...
Wilkommen nach Deutschland! Ok, full-disclosure time: I haven't yet made this myself, but I watche...
A while back, I got the idea in my head that I wanted to make my own sausage. Why? first and forem...
I was walking back from lunch the other day with my coworker Fritz, and he (very) jokingly proclaime...
Perhaps you would have chuckled if you saw me leaping into the air, grabbing at bunches of elderberr...
The annual zucchini proliferation is upon us! Last week alone I was given six large zucchini, which...